Wednesday 27 January 2021

PMP poll results: Business resolutions for 2021



All through December in our Buzz Online e-newsletters and throughout our social media platforms, we asked Pest Management Professional (PMP) magazine readers what their No. 1 business resolution was for the new year. We were inspired, of course, by our panel of expert contributors and PMP Editorial Advisory Board members, who answered this question in our December issue.

Here are some of the top comments from those in the pest control industry and what they are hoping and planning for in 2021.

  1. “My No. 1 resolution is to strive to do better in all aspects of my business. We are already a 5-star company, but there’s always room for improvement. A successful company is one that always strives to be the best at what they do.”
  2. “Finding quality people to fill vacancies and provide the type of service that our company is known for.”
  3. “Keep on top of everything. And to have a successful year.”
  4. “Sell more monthly payment programs.”
  5. “To become more profitable and cut out the waste!”
  6. “Do a better job of keeping up with (scheduling and performing) regularly occurring accounts.”
  7. “Take the test for my antimicrobial license. Grow my business by adding salespeople.”
  8. “To do the best at what comes at me. 2021 will be a challenge, but I will become stronger.”
  9. “Reorganize our company structure to provide ample support for growth while maintaining the flexibility and efficiency to respond to unknowns of a new year.”
  10. “Grow!”
  11. “To move into an office instead of working out of my home.”

Find more inspiration from PMP’s “Callback Cures” columnist Dr. Jim Fredericks, the VP of technical and regulatory affairs for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).

“Whatever it is you resolve to complete in 2021, make it happen,” Dr. Fredericks says. “You only get one chance at 2021, and if you make the most of it, it just might be the start of something big.”

Read more from his recent column for three resolutions ideas to consider that can be adapted for your circumstances.

And if you’re looking to fine-tune your budget for 2021, check out the recent column from Dan Gordon, CPA, PMP’s financial columnist and owner of PCO Bookkeepers.

This month we asked our panel of experts to share their most unconventional budget expenditures. You can see their responses in the Question of the Month here. But we’re also opening up that question to all readers, on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Or you can answer in our poll now.

If you haven’t shared your business resolutions for 2021 already, you can still answer the poll here. Or if you have, but are adding to the list of goals this year — drop us a line at

The post <em>PMP</em> poll results: Business resolutions for 2021 appeared first on Pest Management Professional.


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