Tuesday, 16 March 2021

VPMA, VWDMA to host spring training events

IMAGE: VPMAThe Virginia Pest Management Association (VPMA) and the Virginia Wildlife Damage Management Association (VWDMA) have a busy virtual spring training season ahead for pest management professionals (PMPs):


VPMA Certified WDI Inspector Webinar, March 24, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. EDT

PMPs can become certified by the VPMA in Wood-Destroying Insects (WDI), as well as earn Virginia recertification credits in 7B and 60 (also available in Washington, D.C., Maryland, North Carolina and West Virginia). The webinar will help ensure PMPs are able to carefully detect conducive conditions; know the habits and damage of wood-destroying organisms; and are able to accurately pinpoint and report signs of infestations. The agenda also includes an overview of the step-by-step inspection process; review the tools and safety equipment utilized; plus extensive instruction on completing the National Pest Management Association (NPMA)-33 form from WDI Chair John Reid. A pesticide investigator will present a Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) legal update. Loyal Termite Control’s Bryan Vaughan, BCE, will review WDI biology and identification, including beetles, termites, ants, bees, wasps and wood-attacking fungi.

Upon successfully taking and passing an exam at the end of the webinar, attendees earn the voluntary VPMA WDI Certification. Register here. There is a self-study preparation requirement, so don’t wait. Maryland PMPs can earn the Maryland Certified WDI Inspector certification by taking this VPMA presentation and completing a few Maryland-specific steps.

Already a VPMA WDI Inspector and need to re-certify? Click here.

Bonus: Register for this course and receive a coupon code or a free registration to the VPMA Spring Tech Training Camp, designed to prepare PMPs for a successful spring season. More info below.


VPMA Spring Tech Training Camp, March 30, 8 a.m. to 12:15 EDT

An all-star lineup of speakers will ready your team to be successful as your busy season approaches. This half-day of virtual course is meant to sharpen skills, ready equipment and have PMPs geared up to service customers. The agenda covers sprayer calibration, ticks, mosquitoes, rodents and termite treatment calculations.

This training is not about recertification — in fact, no credits are available — but by attending this event, PMPs will knock the ball out of the park in 2021. Owners and managers can dust off “home plate” and sharpen their skills, too, with access to management sessions from the State Technical Meeting and full access to the exhibit hall from 12:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. Click here for more information.


VPMA Recertification Webinars, April 8 and May 4, 7:45 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The VPMA is hosting two virtual events that qualify for recertification credits in Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Washington, D.C. and West Virginia in categories 7A, 7B, 8 and 60 (registered PMP). If you need recertification credits before Virginia’s June 30, 2021, deadline, sign up to attend a webinar on either April 8 or May 4. Each session will feature previously recorded sessions on Residential Mosquito & Tick Management by Syngenta; A Comprehensive Approach to RPM Rodent Control by Bell Laboratories; Controlling Filth Flies by Brandenburg; and Successful Termite Inspections and Baiting by Corteva Agriscience. Learn more here.

VWDMA Spring Conference 2021, March 31, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The VWDMA will be holding a virtual Spring Conference , open to anyone in the wildlife management industry. Sessions include Emerging Wildlife Diseases; Goose Management; Bat Biology (and an update on COVID-19 implications); Snakes in Virginia; Understanding Repellent and Pesticide Usage; and a session by keynote speaker Drew Cowley on A WCO’s Place in the Larger World of Pests. Mike Fies with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources will also provide an update on Virginia regulations. This training qualifies for 8 CEUs for a Virginia Commercial Nuisance Animal Permit (CNAP). Learn more here.

The post VPMA, VWDMA to host spring training events appeared first on Pest Management Professional.

source https://www.mypmp.net/2021/03/16/vpma-vwdma-to-host-spring-training-events/

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